We’ll deliver your project on-time and on-budget, with keen attention to detail and quality. Civil Tec offers services from conception to the final construction as-built.
Civil Tec covers all aspects of civil engineering and land surveying, from small city lots to 2,000 acre parcels. Our knowledge and understanding of working with a variety of trade professions – including landscape architects, attorneys, expeditors and planners – allow us to consistently exceed our clients' needs and expectations.
Our Services and Capabilities
Topographic Survey
Boundary Survey
Mortgage Survey
Right of Way (R.O.W) Survey
Easement Survey
Control Survey
Construction As-Built Survey
Utility Design
Grading Design
Storm Sewer Design
Sanitary Sewer Design
Storm Water Management & Design
Erosion Control Management & Design
Site Plans
Subdivision of Property
Other Services
Construction Inspection
Construction Stakeout
Property Lot Line Stakeout
Flood Elevation Certification
Wetland Delineation Location